Three Twisted Stitches

I have profess'd me thy friend, and I confess me knit to thy deserving with cables of perdurable toughness ~Othello, the Moor of Venice

Monday, April 16, 2007

Little Roo and the Monkey

My goddaughter, Ryleigh, (nicknamed "Little Roo" because of her inability to stop bouncing) clinging to one of my first endeavors into the knitting world- the monkey.

My Aunt Michelle, filling up spare time at Easter with knitting. (She loves the novelty yarns!)

Another testiment to my "pre-occupation" with knitting: I started another project. In my defense, I had just finished the baby sweater (shown below) and was nearing the completion of Ed's boxers. I deemed myself worthy of something small and compact and simple to carry with me. So I'm doing Jessica's arm warmers in Koigu sock yarn.

And now for something completely different: A prom dress made by me for a girl I know, Caryl Anne. It turned out beautifully.

And for my finale, I have completed Brigid's baby sweater. (The make-shift baby is a pillow and some rolled up towels. I didn't have one on hand, so I created one!) It's bigger than I expected, but that's fine. Newborns don't stay that size for very long, no matter how much you beg them not to grow up! The snaps were an afterthought. I had already dissassembled the mannequin. Whoops! Anyway, here she is!

Well, that's about all for now. Binding Off.


  • At Mon May 21, 10:19:00 AM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That sweater is BEAUTIFUL! And that baby will be so much easier to take care of than most... you couldn't fold up a real baby and put it back in the cupboard. ;-)


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